Super-nice-and-high-class place.
Huiying here!
We have decided to put 'So and so here!' in front of every post so you all will not be confuse.
Yesterday's class outing to Sentosa was fun for me. Except for the 3 pissed off part. But to think of it, it's quite funny la. LOL!

OMFG!!!This place is called Justizzentrum Leoben, Leoben Centre of Justice. It is a prison in Austria for the high class and rich people.
Okay, here's more picture of it.
WAH SEH! The room look so nice right? Still got some lecture place sia!
Even the visitor place also so nice!
Can play table tennis
Can play basketball
Look at that TV! Bigger than my house one lor!
Look like some condo with lots of facilities right? This prison includes a gym, sports center, private rooms for guests and many more. It's really a nice place for those people who break the law. I don't mind living inside, provided that I can go out of the prison to shop. Which is impossible since it is a PRISON.
If all the prison upgrade to like this prison, no one will be scared of breaking the law.
That's all!
GOSH. i wna stay @ this kinda place lah. It soooo dont look like a prison. look like a dreamhouse HAHAAAA.
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