Food Blogs
Terribly bored at home so I surf around the net to entertain myself.
Somehow got myself into a new food blog other than ''.
That is,
This food blog is really worth going.
It features a lot of local food or where to get yummy food that is worth the money.
Quite interested to try this few food that the blog recommends even though they are not near my house;
Wow Wow West
The sausage look sooooo juicy to me and the fish and chips look like a must try.
Pasta Manna
Look at the first picture! My eyes are glued to the screen already. I want! I want!
Xue Hua Fei Dessert
$5 only for just a big serving of dessert! But not really that interested after reading this comment,
Famous Sungei Road Trishaw Laksa
ETL2 might like this 1, Laksa!
Many more foodies at that blog.

wat a LET DOWN, went all the way 2 try n was left dissapointed, the water melon nuting greaT for $5. Dun bother trying it, trust me......