study study!
Minqi's behind the xuhong's hugeass dog.
X.mei never win the sgclub thing.
There goes her 10bucks, my and ying's 5 bucks each.
Been studying with mandy and ying for the past few days. :D
Airport T1, T3, school, clarke quay, star bucks, pizza shop.
And the best thing that happen this week is, My domo plush! :D
*tho it look abit like a frog =/*
04 oct 08 - 1 of the day we're pissed off left right up and down.
Supposed to meet collect domo at 2pm, the owner push it till 2.45pm.
We reached Jurong east at 2pm alr so we wait lor...
15mins later...she can't make it.
Blargh... nvm, free meetup at my convenience the next day.
Then we travelled all the way to dhoby ghaut, meet mandy then off the clarke quay.
But when we tap out....overtime. wth
$2 just like that deducted from our ez link card. zz
bo liao mrt system.
went starbuck study, pissed off with my time wasted, $2 wasted, no mood to study.
So ying and I happily created a domo kun country and its national anthem while mandy enthusiastically study. =X
Domo and its flag. xD
Played around with camera abit....
DOMO ARRIVE!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Domo plush look like a FROG! xDxDxD!
My domo family.
Ehh? badtz maru?
Domo got mistress! =(]
Domo got pants! xD

Yay, no more killer paper left and both our bags arrive in s'pore. :D
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