Went out with the backseat girls yesterday!!! :D
Was suppose to meet at Sher's house de void deck at 1pm but then I can't made it so I meet them at around 1.30+ pm at bus stop instead.
This is the Gingerbread Man that Sher baked for us!!! :D
Took 851 to Bugis. The bus ride was very very long la. If take train sure faster one lor! But take bus than can get to sit ma! plus XH lost her ezlink so can save money also! :D
We splited up at Bugis street, me and Dor together, Sher, Min and XH together. (:
At first nothing really caught me and Dor's eyes, so we walk till super super super sian la!!! But then things got better and we bought our stuff! :D So happy!!!
Meet the others at the Bugis street entrance after we'd done buying our stuff.
XH, Sher and Min bought the same shirt! They change into it immediately! They bought fruit juice too! I koped alot of the juice from them! Sher bought Papaya milk!!! (I know your motive, BEYBAY! XD)
XH and Min look identical right?
Min, Sher and XH wearing the same shirt!
Took the train to T2. :D
Sort of excited la! Why? Cause we went T2 to welcome Fahrenheit to Singapore for their concert!!! I'm actually not a big fan of them but whatever, they're big stars leh!!!
I quite like Ya Lun! He's soooooooooooooo handsome and cute la!!! OMG!!! :D
When we reach there, surprisingly, not alot of people. Good what! Can get good view!
Ya Lun's fc banner!!!
Min went to stand with her Jiro fc member while the rest went to stand at a place where the girls beside us is all Yi Ru's fans. So we all planned to scream for Yi Ru although I like Ya Lun more la! Haha! Yi Ru's quite cute but then there's no fan club of him there leh! So sad lor! So we're kind of doing a good deed! (:
Fans waiting excitedly!
There's a false alarm before the stars arrive. Everyone screamed but then to realise that it's just a false alarm. AND there's this erxin person who anyhow scold us for screaming? WTH lor! We also not the first person to scream la! Siao zha bor!
After awhile, Dor spotted 3 people walking from far away wearing caps! XH too and me too! We screamed "MAO ZI! MAO ZI!". LOL! Cause it's actually them la!!!!!! Everyone turned to the direction we're pointing and started screaming too! :D
Here's a video of Fahrenheit walking past us!!! Warning! Contain a very irritating voice of me screaming "Yi Ru". (edited after watching the video; Actually not me only lor! Not all the "Yi Ru" is by me! And I sound like I'm really a big fan of him! HAHA! XD)
When they walk past I only recognize Wu Zun lor! D:
Went to meet Min after that. She's like so high and happy. It's our first time seeing her being so high and happy to the extend that she's gonna cry. LOL!
And we chatted with this auntie who sat infront of FRH on the plane!!! Jealous lor!!!
Mickey mouse!
Ate Popeyes for dinner!
Sher was so shy w0rhhhx, when Ming Yang came. She suddenly act like a lesbian to Dor lor! Keep on touching her! And she tried to seduce me but no use la! XD
Min and XH shared a meal but still cannot finish it leh!!! For XH is expected de la but for Min..... it's because of the aftermath of seeing Jiro! LOL!
Saw this blind man with his dog on the bus! Cute lor!
-Hui Ying
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