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Seriously. I got those nauseous feeling when i saw the class blog.
Bloody eww-gusting freak.
Right after i summited this entry, i almost died.
The 'shelf' /wood panel thats behind me almost toppled over if not for the metal hanger which saved me. T___T
On top of it got hell lot of heavy stuffs which can easily murder me. >__< style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">YING and DAWN todayyyyy! :DDD
*although dawn didn't come T__T
Bill total up to 68bucks+ >__<>_<
Inside was quiet and super peaceful when we went in, but 10 minutes later, the crowd came in....(damn!)
Dessert and appetizer corner
Fruit tarts! Didn't get to taste any.
Cold seafood! <3
Kaminabe that almost every table has 1 except ours since the amount of veggie inside scare us alr.
Fried stuffs
Haha, i accidentally on flash and he smiled.
I look like some suagu kia by going around taking those pics sia.
But bo bian, memories sake.
First round, my loooooooong awaited cha soba! :D:D:D
2nd round, fried oily patter. >__<
3rd round, miso soup! :D
4th round, chawanmushi
Nicest 1 i ate so far. :D
5th round, Seafood!
I prefer Sakura's mussels. >_<
6th round, salmon sashimi,edamame, baby oct, ikan bilis, prawn
7th round, sushi!:D
8th round, dessert
I loooooove that strawberry dorayaki.
those we bought at pasar malam is a big joke as compared to this.
9th round, cha soba again! :D
xD unevenly broken chopstick. =X
10th round, green tea ice cream.
Yours truly gei kiang go follow other people and get 1, end up...
1 word to describe it, yucks!
I find it too sweet and pass to ying while she happily eat it and find it ok. LOL!
Through out the time i eat the 7th~ 10th round, she keep feasting on the chawanmushi which she adores alot.
Total of 5 cups of chawanmushi eaten by her. ~.~
Managed to eat hell lot of stuffs this time since we keep talking and eat slowly.
Damn wu hua. xD
We wanted to try the fondue since nvr eat before.... but by the time we want to get some....
For a moment i was wondering where she was when she's just uber near me, re-taping her plaster on her feet.
Hate her sia! See the length of her hair. HMPH!
Walked all over suntec after that.
She mistook 'need copy' for 'need cory'. lol wtf.
Killer whale plush that resembles her ah phin.
(Ying: EEYYEERR! I grow fattter liao laaa! :(((((((( )
My cactus in class got grow baby leh!
just realise goh siying's sleeping in the background. xD
Our class's chalkboard.
I finally touch the lollipop that alicia gave almost 1 month ago lol.
1 part is chip off cus i accidentally drop it countless of times few weeks back.
I get to change placeeeee. :D
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