A more detailed post on the camp
Yea yea, I'll be a gracious person and publish your comment for my 'pissed post', shweetiieexx :D
I somehow know who you are given your horrible way of typing your nickname.
And yes, if possible, I wish that I can extinguish those twits and make the net a better place.
Call me dira! The new kira is born!
Dira change the net world!
*scribbler 'apersonwhohappenedtofoundthisblog' into my deathnote. :D
Here to post a more detailed post on the camp.
1st day of the camp
The 2 ETLs arrived early in school(we kiasu ma...)
Saw the instructors arriving to school.
The chief instructor(Wayne)....nearly made me and ying faint.
HANDSOME like mad lor!
*melt melt*
Met our instructors Amanda and Taufik.
No confidence in them initially as they look like those quiet kind.
Bus-ed to the campsite.
JunDa had mustache drawn by Wayne for speaking other language other than English. LOL!
Our class was quite quiet and totally not enthusiastic about the camp at all.
Lunch was quite delicious except the fact that we had to queue up to wash our utensils as there's alot of people.
Supposed to go for our high/low elements if not for the damn RAIN!
So we end up staying inside a dorm to play wet day activities.
Enjoyed the murderer game the most as I was chosen as both the murderer and the police.
JunLiang and MengWah were the first 2 polices while Marcus and I were the murderer.
'Killed' quite alot of people until both the polices started staring at me. xD
Ying and Dawn know that I'm the murderer quite early but they keep quiet to make the game more fun. :D
Marcus and I then became the polices while Cosmo and JianYi were the murderer.
Cosmo was out of the game quite early and I found JianYi as the murderer.
As the rain was getting smaller, we get to go out and play the low elements.
Group 6 played the rope thing while group 7 had to climb over the wall.
Wayne walked past our group and spotted Jerome with his shirt tug out so he performed 'SpongeBob SquarePants' on him.
He then took picture of Jerome while he pose for the camera.
Then the rain starts to get bigger and we went inside the dorm again...
Discussed our campfire performances and MengWah came up with the frog song then Amanda change the lyrics to:
OOH AHH goes the little 3Ds one day,
OOH AHH goes the little 3Ds!
OOH AHH goes the little 3Ds and they all go OOH AHH ROAR.
and all of us go,
and all of us go,
& we all go OOH AHH ROAR!
sooooo addicted to singing it! :D
Off to the canteen to play Harry Potter.
We're suppose to arrange ourselves according to height or birthday or shoe size, etc.
Played other games like 007bang, etc where some people refuse to cooperate.
Sing some songs and ate our dinner.
Our dinner was quite yummy unlike other camp meals which are sooo disgusting!
As it was still raining, our night hike was conducted in the canteen instead of the entrance of the Bukit Timah Hill.
Hmph! See la! The rain spoils everything again!
Showered, had milo and curry puff for supper then head back to the dorm.
Listened to the mp4 that I borrowed from Jia and slowly fell asleep despite the slight chatterings.
2nd day of the camp
Woke up and messily keep the sleeping bag.
Head to the toilet to brush and went for the breakfast.
Nasi Lemak for breakfast, not bad.
Group6(my group) was scheduled to clean the toilets around our area but the girls from group6 all ran upstairs into our dorm to hide. xD
So end up the guys had to do all the toilet cleanings especially the female toilets.
Changed into shorts and went for the Bukit Timah Hike.
Did alot of headcounts on the way.
Even climbed onto the giant water pipes to take pics.
Quite fun until the part where we had to climb up numerous amounts of stairs.
Panting like mad by the time we reach the summit of the hill.
Rest awhile before Mrs Goh reach the summit with Group7.
The whole lot of group6 and 7 chiong at Mrs Goh for the TimeOut chocolate waffle!
The sight was soooo damn funny that I just can't stop remembering it!

Despite her tries to shoo us all away, she still got surrounded. xD
Amanda then said, see the monkeys over there?
Hee, thats what you get for feeding the monkeys(us)!
Got a sweet from Mr Tang then we went down the hill.
Quite easy to hike down instead of up(duh~).
Reach a grassland where we rest awhile.
Group6 gals and guys went to attack Alicia's tibits this time. xD
Ate her sweets and biscuits then there was a teeny weensy bit of rain.
So the girls end up grumbling while on our way back to the dorm as we're afraid that we won't be able to play the high elements due to the rain.
Group7 girls soon reach the dorm and they say that XiaoMei fell 180 degree while rushing down from the hill as it was raining heavily. LOL!
They secretly went to bathe while we head for the canteen.
Group6, for once, gets to go and take the food first BUT they refuse to let us eat as they want everyone to get their food, say the food cheer, then eat.
Thats like wtf?
The rest can eat straight away on other meal times. BLEH!
We all ate some mouthful of the rice all the same without waiting to say the food cheers.
Had banana for for fruit and the monkeys pay us a visit at the ceiling!
Everyone began to bang the tables to scare them away. xD
So fun.
On our way to the high elements when IT FREAKING STARTS TO FREAKING RAIN AGAIN!
with lightning risk this time somemore!
So we went inside a dorm and some people took a nap inside including Amanda and Taufik.
Amanda soon woke up and talk to us while Taufik continue to sleep until another instructor came to wake him out.
Taufik drooled when he woke up! LOL!
He responded until so damn cute when he get warned by the instructor.
Play the pass-clip-game while singing songs.
Love that game alot!
Taufik is not only pro in that game, he know how to trick people too!
Off to the canteen and there was a mascot competition conducted by Wayne. *melt melt*
Cheng was chosen as our mascot to decorate in Group6 while JunLiang was chosen as group7's mascot.
We all chiong back to our dorms to decorate them.
Cheng had big breast, pregnant on the back, a mushroom butt, 'earrings' and handband! xD
JunLiang had tied up hair, colourful hairclips, a teddy companion, 'mini skirt' and sunblock on his face.
Cheng look so poor thing when he walk to the sink area to wait for his turn to go up the 'stage'.
When the 2 mascots from 3D went up the 'stage', the whole of 3D was like...banging and cheering like mad!
Shouts of 'dua neh bu' of heard for Cheng.
Our mascots are damnnnnnnn CUTE!
After that, we had our dinner and.....CAMPFIRE!
Thank goodness that there's no rain during the campfire!
Was really high and enthusiastic during the campfire.
Shouting and enjoying everything.
When it was 3D's turn to perform for the campfire, almost all of our cheers had a 'roar' in it. xD
After we shout out our cheers, we ROAR-ED all the way back to our seats.
Keep cheering and roar-ing nonstop! :D
Had our debrief and wrote 'letters' to all the girls in 3D and our instructors.
Back to our dorms and showered.
Was chattering with the gals until we're called down because we had abit of problems with the 3Cs when it's lights-out time.
Reprimanded for quite sometime before we're released to sleep.
Last day of the camp
Woke up at around 7+ to find ying and Mandy missing beside me.
So I sat there until I heard noise coming from upstairs.
Went upstairs and the gals were talking about getting ant bites.
They then went down to discovered that there were alot of ants on our sleeping bags!
Ying's sleeping bag kena alot of ants BUT melody's sleeping bag kena even MORE!
Damn disgusting la!
We're quite late when we reach the canteen where we're suppose to assemble.
Had bee hoon for breakfast which I cannot finish it then did area cleaning in the canteen.
Had debrief and prize presentation session after that.
Even though our class didn't win anything, but we really bonded alot more closer to each other and had more topics to talk with.
And hor!
They totally forgot about the mascot thing!
Was really really very very sad when we're about to go board the bus and leave the camp site...
3D was shouting cheers for our Amanda and Taufik all the way from the canteen to the bus...
Eyes were very watery when we're singing the cheers in the bus and when the 2 instructors got off the bus.
Really miss them alot!
Voice was choking abit while cheering in the bus so I keep quiet awhile before continuing to cheer for one another.
The bus driver find us noisy and stuff tissue into his ears.
Even when we got off the bus, our class still continued to cheer despite the stares from other class.
See the lions see 3D,
See the lions see 3D!
Its so boring back at home...
I want to go back for the camp again except that I don't want another ant attack and raining throughout the whole day.
Enjoyed myself in the camp despite of the rain.
Miss talking to each other before sleeping and waking up.
Miss playing and shouting alot of cheers together.
:[ Those who didn't go will regret. :D
oo e oo e oo e yea
We're 3D and we love to ROAR like a lion~
3D oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie~
oni kunu oni kunu!!
om mui mui!!
kulu kulu!!
pica ka pi ah!!
pica ka pi ah!!
pica ka pi pi pi ah!!
I miss the camp ]:
-ETL1 *lazy to put the onion head emoticon*
Wow, that's amazing!
how did you manage to remember so many details about camp?
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