Is it a bird? Or is it a plane? IT'S A FLYING FISH!

I will have them to buy me presents as a punishment! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (I've already told them to. I even reminded Doreen on the Sunday night to remind Dawn and Sherica too!)
I wonder how is it like to be on a plane...I'm a sua gu who never step in a plane before! HAHA! I don't even know how big is it.(I only saw it flying in the sky before.) And I wonder how they survive in their hotel room since both of them is like so scared of 'ghost'. HAHA!
Beware of that mirror! Bloody Mary is coming!!!(They will beat me up if I told them this earlier.)
This can say the most not scary picture of Bloody Mary already ok? Not even bloody at all. I'm not scared by it.(I take back my last sentence. My heart starts to beat faster after looking at it for quite sometime.) This is to scare those people who like to blog hop at night time! HAHAHAHA!

Is it a bird?
Or is it a plane?
An NHK camera crew has captured a flying fish traveling through the air for 45 seconds, in what could be a new world record.The footage was taken on Monday, from a ferry near Kuchino-erabu island in Kagoshima prefecture, southwestern Japan.The fish flew alongside a ferry that was traveling at roughly 30 kilometers per hour. The fish was able to continue flying by occasionally beating the surface of the water with its tail-fin when its flight height became low.An expert says the flight time beats the previous record of 42 seconds reported by an American researcher in the 1920s. He says the flight of 45 seconds must be close to the fish's biological limit, as brachial respiration is impossible while flying in air.
I dint know that fish could actually fly, I always thought that they can only 'jump'. And I dint know that there is a type a fish called Flying Fish and that type of fish can fly... Haha!
So fish can fly!!! YAY!
-Hui Ying
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