12 marks flew

Didn't managed to finish the whole paper and left a 12m essay blank since there's not enough time. T_T
Blargh! Killer E.lit paper tomorrow and I haven really touch the novel for the past few months.
Just 4 more days to go!
Need to study for 2 papers tomorrow and another 2 papers on wednesday.
Anyway I was fooling around with my name yesterday while 'studying', trying to make it look twit-ish. (Studying too much can make one bonkers leh.)
Short form for my name is Dor.
Some twits will type my name as Dorr.
People usually misspell my name as Dorren/Dorreen.
As twits like to replace o with 0 and repeat the last letter of the word, it becomes D0rreenn.
D0rreenn doesn't look twit-ish enough, so I'll add the all time favourite ` and x with big and small letters.
End product: `d0rReEnNx
Lup sup kia, lup sup kia. That class got an action lup sup kia. xD
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