Went to me and Doreen's fave shop just now.
Guess most of you won't know, our fave shop is actually......
Seriously! We used to go to the old Cold Storage @ North Point almost everytime after school to walk walk, explore the stuff in there, see buy which brand or packaging of a item more wu hua, blah blah blah...
Now Cold Storage is reopening after renovation! So of course we must go right?!
Went walk walk and do our usual boliao stuff in there... Used to be not that crowded and cold...
The new Cold Storage @ North Point don't have the "feel" as the old one.. It's more like a typical supermarket with bright lighting... Maybe it's better to some of you but we still prefer the old one. Sometimes, new things aren't always better, the old ones got more "feel" right?
But we'll still go walk walk at there one la! If not North Point really very sian one lor... (Both me and Dor like to walk walk in supermarkets!)
While Min went for her Fahrenheit Concert, me and Dor went for a concert too...
My cute niece Shannon performed dance on that day!!!
The performance line up for that day. (:
While waiting for the performance to start, we spotted this small boy boy who is taking photo of us!
Haha! So cute right? Potential photographer!
The show started and little kids started dancing!!!
Finally it's PG2's turn to dance! (PG2 is Shannon's class) (Got me and my sis's voice! Although sounds like me but not all is me ok! Mostly is my sis!)
Shannon's 2nd item for that day!
Cute Shannon at "backstage" after performing!
Shannon and her mama!!!
Shannon and her Ah Ma! (Which is my aunt)
Overall, it's a happy day for Shannon!!! :D
-Hui Ying
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