I'm very very VERY happy now for I don't know what reason! HOHOHOHOHO~~~!
Stayed at home for the day. (Actually no la, I went down to buy some junk foods with the money I found inside that golden pot of my father with my younger sis and then we stayed at the void deck for like 30mins eating.) ((I know my last sentence might be making no sense. I'm just too lazy to rephrase it.))
I feel so000000000 happy staying at home!
-I can be as ugly as I want to be. (I'm a super lum nua zhar bor that don't comb my hair unless I'm going out.)
-I can sleep whenever I want! (I spent most of my afternoon sleeping)
-I can say whatever I want and suan my family members w/o then feeling insulted! (Yea, I love suan-ing people.) ((Especially SHERICA CHONG!!! She can suan me for all she wants too! LOL!))
-I can talk to myself w/o people thinking that I'm mentally unsound.
-I can tiao ka and shake my legs!
-I can whistle as loudly as I want! (The tune that I love most is the untalkative bunny tune!)
-I can...... aiya, still got alot la. Lazy to think liao.
Sometimes I prefer staying at home than going out. LOL!
I ate alot for both yesterday and today! Kuishin Bo for yesterday and lots of junk food for today! (OMG! How can I jian fei if I continue to be so pig!)
Suddenly feels like posting these pics! 
Annie, Gwenlin, Doreen, Xu Hong, ME, Min Qi and Sherica!
I MISS going to Mediacorp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and Hideaki! (I purposely tell him to squat down so that I can be taller!)

I MISS going to Mediacorp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and Hideaki! (I purposely tell him to squat down so that I can be taller!)
It's Superband that makes me much closer to Min and Sher. (:
I MISS Xiao Liang Zai!Ain't he cute?
Liang, me and Gee (Compare the thickness of my legs to Gee's. OMG!)
Gee and Liang! (Can't wait till March for them to come to Singapore again.)
Bao Bei Shannon sliding! I miss her...
Shannon: I want hold your hand! *Grab Gee's hand*Shannon looks so mini here! CUTE LEH!
Liang acting cool! Shuai leh! Dor commented that he looks like Edison Chen here! LOL!
Cutie Jovan! He looks a bit like Liang imo. He's my nephew btw.

-Hui Ying
I miss...
-NVPS's chicken rice and egg noodles
-My primary school clique
-Year 2008
-Yi Le Xin Chun
-Kuishin Bo's Chawanmushi (Should've ate more of it! :D)
-The Children Library
-Suan-ing Sherica
-Gossiping with Xh
-AMK's porridge
-Working for Amore (Or should I say, the money that I get while slacking? LOL!)
-The kids playing corner where we slacks while working
&&, I look crazily FAT in the previous post! LOL!
After looking at the Kuishin Bo pics of myself, I feel so skinny! Cause the me in there's seriously too fat already, making me thinking that I've slimmed down in just one day! :DDDD So happy!
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