Interesting pictures.
I've been blogging for 3 days in a row! HOHOHO!
It's unusual for me to post three days in a row ok? This blog got 63 entries (including this one and some others lame ones which is not meant for you all to read) and only 19 is contributed by me! The rest of the 44 is from Doreen. And because I rarely post so it is a MUST READ! LOL!
Here are some interesting pictures from an email I recieved. :D
Human milk in packet? Err...

Joke of the post!
Mr. Bean:(crying) The doctor called, Mom's dead.
Friend: Condolence, my friend.
(After 2 minutes)
Mr. Bean cries even louder
Friend: What now?
Mr. Bean: My sister just called, her mom died too!
-Hui Ying
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