5D4N Vietnam Trip
Alright, this post is gonna be super duper uber laggy with the monstrous amount of pictures that I'm gonna upload.
Day 1, 26 May
Had only around 2 hours of sleep before going to the airport with Mellissa and Sherica.
Never been there before, so quite sua gu.
The first picture that I took with my new camera.
Close up on the HCM plane number.
Me and Sherica
PLANE! So big! @_@
The plane food(It taste nicer than it looks)
Accidentally squealed a little bit when the plane took off. >_<
Peijun and I (look like taking passport picture due to the white background as claimed by Dawn)
Most of the vehicles that are found in Vietnam is motorbikes.
Hell lot of it I mean.
Had around 6hrs + of coach bus ride to reach Dalat Highland.
The wires in Vietnam look like it was will blackout anytime.
Hell lot of it messily handled together.
Came across these few animals when the coach bus is pumping petrol.
Porcupine(super big and fat!)
Sunset on the way to Dalat
There are houses with only red or blue lights which make it look scary. ARGH!
But the stars that can be seen in Dalat Highland are very very big and pretty as compared to those seen in Singapore.
Didn't manage to take a picture of it as the coach bus is moving.
So basically the whole of Day 1 is just traveling.
Dinner at Golf 3 hotel.
1 room is supposed to be shared by 2 people but the hotel room there is big and look scary so Mellissa, Sherica, KaiLing, Dawn and I shared a room.
The room look something like that except that the bed is on the left and the tv is on the right side. I took this picture off the net. =P

And of course, this team of timid people on all the lights and slept with the tv on as well.
Day 2, 27 May
Accidentally 'slap' Mel in my sleep as we're sharing a bed. (oops)
The morning view from the hotel room
Breakfast buffet in the hotel restaurant and went for the visit to a veggie farm.
Some pictures before boarding the coach.
Me, Mel, Dawn (obvious height difference @#$%^&*)
Unripe tomatoes(I don't know why it look so hairy >_<)
Semi red semi green capsicum
Overview of 1 of the greenhouse there
I like her hat ;D
Mel and I
Ms Kaur, Mdm Sue and Mrs Ang
Mel, Sher, me and Dawn(LOL my body look short here! I was bowing forward abit)
Back to the bus that is going to the silkworm farm next
(Sher, Mel, K.Ling, Dawn and ME!)
Mini waterfall
Unripe coffee beans
The fat, smooth and soft silkworms!
(Not my hand)
It may look disgusting but it's skin feels super duper uber soft!
Some sceneries before going to the place where silk are extracted from the silkworms.
The process of extracting silk.
Cocoons of silkworms(They're still alive inside)
Boiled to death...
Spinning up their silk from the cocoons.
Made into those cloth and stuffs.
Next is the visit to Prenn Waterfall
I didn't manage to get the full view of the waterfall as the half of the group which got down the bus first managed to climb down the rocks here and there before the teachers reach.
As I was at the back of the group, the other half of the group weren't allowed to go down by the teachers due to safety reasons.
Sooooo jealous of those who managed to capture the full view of the waterfall!
Someone making a shawl there(look super complicated)
Overstuffed chicken
Scenery opposite Truc Lam Pagoda
Us again~
K.Ling and I
She was blinking her eyes in this pic. lol
Think I'm the only one who managed to capture this when Mr Tan is posing for a jump.
Me and Sher
Off to the Valley of Love
This is made this year I think
Facing wrong camera
WeiBin dressing up in a traditional costume
Pictures not allowed to be taken there.
I only managed to capture 1.
This lady is sewing up a picture of bamboo trees if I'm not wrong.
Requires hell lot of patience.
Was allowed to go for a 1 hr shopping time outside the hotel.
There was a huge miscommunication when K.Ling and Mel was buying socks. xD
Damn funny when the sock seller throw the sock that K.Ling wanted on the ground thinking that she wanted 2 pairs of it for the price of 1 when K.Ling just wanted 1 more with the same pattern.
Dinner in a so called best restaurant back in Dalat as it was our last day there before moving back to HCMC.
Anyway the meals there ar....all full of veggie in VERY generous serving.
They like using onions while preparing meals and they serve rice last after all the dishes are up on the table.
Fake mini Eiffel Tower in Dalat
Yucky baby cockroaches invasion in the toilet when we return to our hotel room after a debrief.
Luckily it's the last day in that hotel.
Will post about the last 3 days next time.
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