Finally watched Twilight with min and ying today. :D

Except the fact that the climax ended too fast. ~.~
Might wanna start on the novels soon...
We all like Edward Cullen!
The dream guy of every girls. *drool*
Anyway, did anyone notice that Justin Chon who act as the role of Eric Yorkie looks like Wang Ren Fu from 5566? xD
Ying and i keep giggling at every scene he appears. lulz.
Marina GV serves horrible popcorn.
I bet some of the popcorns are mouldy.
Just now ying and i both ate a super disgusting popcorn at the same time and we end up snatching the drink from each other.
horrible horrible!
And what is worst is that.... The person nvr gimme salty popcorn when we asked for it to be mixed!
Walk around Suntec city and write our wishes on the dunno what balloon thingy.
Min says that the badtz maru looks like a monster! LULZ!
Ying and I
They watch me dine and we return back to yishun at around 10+pm.
Lesson to be learnt: Never to be gei kiang and continue to walk inside a shopping centre after 10+pm.
Almost every exit is locked or blocked except xin wang hk cafe which is opened 24 hrs.
Kinda awkward if we walk through it lor...
So we walk into the carpark.
Walk left walk right.
Walk up, walk down... feel like idiots. LOL!
from b1 carpark walk down to b3 carpark and slowly walk back up the big spiral road to the exit.
Anyone got Twilight series to lend me?~
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