Easy money. $$
When to Bugis to give out flyers/tissue for some easy money on Saturday and Sunday. Super slacking and good pay. $5.50 per hour. :)

Cute Kelly stayed in this pose for more than 15 minute I suppose. Look kinda like Mashimaro leh!When me and Doreen 'forced her out of that pose', she 'cried'. Then her da ge say she fake de. LOL!
We saw Kelly they all for the 1st time and the 2nd time we went there but not the third time. :(
But, we saw this yandao kia!!
He got big and shinny eyes!!!
Super handsome! *melts melts!*
Cute bo?
He's super active and like to run around! Cute lehhhh!
His eyes may not look big here but it's really big leh!
So handsome lor!
He look abit like my nephew but much more handsome la! :DDDDDDD
Got some even more handsome photos of him but with Doreen!
It's jokes time! LOL!
1)At a political rally, Muthu was arrested.
Why ????????????
Because a lady journalist with a badge which read"*PRESS*" pinned on the right part of her blouse walked past him...and...
he did it!
2)Colleague: Sorry I'm late. I got stuck in an elevator for 4 hrs because of a power failure.
Mr. Bean: That's alright, me too...I got stuck on the escalator for 3 hrs.
-Hui Ying
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