Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It's don't know how many billion years since I last touch the com/blog.
I feel like a zombie now. Expression-less. I can't really laugh or smile. The area surrounding my mouth is getting super dry, making my mouth area super stiff. So, it pains me a lot to smile/laugh.
I feel like crying... Like seriously la, I NEED to cry. My eyes is super dry now.
I wonder why moody = not good, no mood also = not good. Why ah?
I'm starting to find "lol" super confusing. It suppose to mean laugh out loud but people can use it even when they are moody or whatsoever mood. So the meaning of "lol" is no longer laugh out loud. You won't know how people really feels. It's weird. Though I normally will add in "lol" so that I won't sound so strict or what. Lol.
I'm so lazy to type anything now. Bye.
-Hui Ying
I just notice that all my paragraph starts with the alphabet "I". Lol.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009
The motivational talk was 70% boring 30% fun.
Seriously i cant wait for it to be over tomorrow although its quite motivative.
Sch till 8pm.
sat - gym w mandy; hw-ing w alicia
sun - blank
mon - wild wild wet w mandy and co
tue - blank
wed - blank
thurs - gonna go sch to ask gbl for help with sets
fri - lit supplementary; cycling w mandy and co; tuition w alicia
sat - out w min, ying, etc
sun - blank
Probably gonna spend my free time to start revising again and prepare dawn's present.
its coming in 8 daysss!! ahhhh
no time no time!
my comp is seriously dangerously old.
it sometimes fainted, sometimes tend to erase some of its own application away.
cleared the bookmarked and browsing history by itself.
screen becoming more and more blurred.
ARGH i dying to get rid of this year 2002 junk

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Worst 24 hrs of my life yesterday.
Woke up and vomited.(long long no vomit)
sleep sleep
sleep sleep
fever worsten
sleep sleep
everything i touch pain
sleep sleep
felt as if i'm gonna die but i know i'm not gonna die
sleep sleep
rain made my fever worst than before
sleep sleep
waited hell long for the doctor to write finish his damn report.
So yesterday i ate nothing except a few spoonful for porridge and medicine.
Thanks alicia, mandy, sherica, minqi, dawn, joanne, cousin, pauline, huiyuan, sherry for your concern. :D
Paiseh ar sher... the sparkling juice thing was delayed due to me. :(
I wonder if my mum lemme go live N loaded todayyyyyy. =(

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Half jog Half stroll with Mandy and Sher just now. :D
Rather fun talking with themmmm!
We're like talking abt what we want to do after Os
-Get a job ASAP
-Sign up Amore Fitness *gym + dance*
-Learn guitar
-Go JB see see(LOL!)
-Party Party!
-Paint a Giant Domo on my room wall! <3
etc etc.
12th nov o9, Faster come PLEASEEE!

Friday, March 6, 2009
Live n Loaded; Doreen's result
My Common Test results! :D
Its been donkey years since i see an A in my report book!
English (B3)
Overall: 68.3%
Mother Tongue (C5)
Overall: 56%
Mathematics (A1)
Overall: 76.7%
Combined Science (A2)
Physics: 23/30
Chemistry: 19/30
Overall: 70%
Core Geography (B3)
Overall: 66.7%
Combined Humanities (D7) gua gua gua~
Literature: 24/50
Social Studies: 5/13
Overall: 46%
Food and Nutrition
Anyway click on this
Help vote thanks.
It wont hurt just to vote right?!?!

Monday, March 2, 2009
Min's like coming my house now any minute for an overnight since my mum ask me to get one friend t come and sleep over as both parent's wont be at home till wed.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009
I've not been using com on the weekdays since I don't know how long ago. Not really a very good sign as it doesn't mean that I'm becoming more hardworking. Somehow, I still can find something to do at home other than using the com and doing homeworks/studying. *sigh* Not good not good.
I got a new found hobby! It's climbing stairs! LOL! Recently I've been climbing stairs with Xh after school whenever we find the need/time to do so. It's really fun!
-Explored different structure of HDB blocks around our neighbourhood.
-Looked at beautiful/interesting/funny houses.
-Got scared by dogs. (Including fake dogs.)
-Encountered eerie stuff.
-Saw rainbow!!! :D
But most importantly, we can jian fei!!! :D
Super many interesting things happened while climbing stairs! I'm very happy! :D
After all those talks from JC/poly/etc, I've decided to go JC. Somehow, JC's system interest me more than Poly's. Plus I don't know which course to go for if I choose to go Poly.
So I shall try to be more hardworking. (: (If not I cannot adapt to JC life)
-Firstly, I need to do all my homework!!!
-I need to study more and do revision!
-Pay attention in class!
-Buy assessment books and guides!
And lastly, I need to go for tuition.
Xh and me shall work hard to go JC!!! (I know people will sort of look down on us since we always didn't hand in works and stuff. And people will be like "This kind of people can go JC one meh? I think they're just thinking too highly of themselves and thought that they can.". But whatever lor. Must see our results the see how.) ((I'm not saying that we're what kind of people when I use "this kind". Both of us are good kids.)) (((Don't understand the last sentence nvm.)))
Badtz Maru aka gu dor is cuter than Domo!!!
I know my post's super random and boliao. So I shall say bye bye now.
-Hui Ying
p.s. My younger sis requested me to add this in. "I HATE ANG HUI YING'S HAIR!!!"

Monday, February 23, 2009

Well, step right up and pour yourself a hot cup o' tea and you will find that Domo apparently has ingested something that does not agree with him.
As hot liquid is poured in the mug, Domo passes a pretty pink cloud of gas that, although natural as a summer breeze, does not sit well with his natural surroundings.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
I think I'm ageing...
As what the title said, I think I'm ageing...
Nope, not in terms of looks. I still look young. (&cute! LOL xD)
See! I very cute one hor!
K la k la, very act cute I know. And I'm being super bhb to claim that I'm very cute, I know I know. && the 2nd pic don't really look like me but well, I thought my hair looked brown so I sort it to show off! HAHA! xD
Ok, back to the main point.
Why do I think that I'm ageing? (Wth, I keep on typing "Ageaing" instead of "Ageing" -.-)
1. I got short term memory.
I keep on forget this forget that lor! Everything I also can forget one. It's only until people remind me then I'll be like "ya hor". -.-
2. I do things very slowly.
Seriously la, I do everything(k la, not so kua zhang. But still, many things) also slower than others one lor. Other people homework half an hour do finish while I can take more than one hour lor... Exams and tests paper I also do slower than others, resulting in incomplete work which cost a lot of marks to fly away... :(
3. I fan yin chi dun.
Sometimes when people talk to me, I'll take a few sec to analysis what they're talking about before I react or respond. Most fan yin chi dun thing is that sometimes when people tell me something that is suppose to be funny, I will like haha, not really funny leh. Then after awhile I burst into laughter cause I suddenly realise that it IS funny. Lol... Doreen knows best about this point.
4. I'm in love with songs that is like... history?
Lol. I mean that I'm in love with those very old songs. (: I don't know why, but recently I find older songs are much nicer.
5. I keep on think of the past.
I keep on think of my childhood, things that happened long long time ago...
6. I'm super determined to be a housewife in future! xD
LOL! But seriously. I want to stay at home to take care of kids... As for housework, NO I still hate it so I'm gonna hire a maid or some part time cleaner. Actually I can just say that I want to be a Tai Tai la, which girl won't want right? But if my future husband is not rich enough for me to be Tai Tai, being a housewife will do. (: But I still want to work for a few years before I become a housewife la, need to earn some "si fang qian" one ma, incase husband don't want me anymore I still can use my "si fang qian" to feed myself while I try to find work or something. LOL!
7. My brains seem to be dying.
Example, I look at a maths qns. I will look at it for a looooooooong time before I decide on how to answer it...
Lazy to think of more point liao la. Haha!
Conclusion: I'm ageing... :(
But I'm glad that I don't have white hairs and wrinkles. (:
Btw, my sis and I went for Yoga's concert on Fri!
My father told me that I'll be sitting in the 3rd row so I'm like "OMG! 3rd row? OMG! Can see Yoga's big big face clearly!!!".
It's really 3rd row la, but from the side. LOL! xD
Whatever! :D The ticket is free btw. Somehow, I just got hold of it. Lucky me!
Sit there wait wait wait, take zilian pics, and finally the concert starts.
I snapped this pic immediately the moment the "curtain" dropped down!
That's the big screen, I'm not that near to him.
He's so cute! (:
Yoga sings sings sings and then Olivia came out to sing Fly Me To The Moon with Yoga and then Ru Yan, the Little Nyonya song.
Olivia's singing is super super super good la! Envy like siao lor! And she's very skinny! And TALL! ENVY LA!!!
The moment S.H.E came out, the whole stadium was like so high la. Pro la them, truely deserve to be superstar. (: They're very funny lor. The way they talk, keep on making people laugh. (: The funniest part is the part when Selina and Ella tries to "seduce" Yoga. Especially Ella, LOL she's really really super cute and funny la! Lazy to elaborate. :p
Yoga went off and everyone thought that the concert ended already. Some people even went off. Crazy fans shouted for encore then suddenly the drummer goes "boom boom boom! boom boom boom!". Everyone started to shout "Lin You Jia, Lin You Jia, Lin You Jia..." to the beats of the drum and then Yoga came out again!!! :D
He encore for like 20plus mins before saying thanks and stuff and he went down. Crazy fans shouted for encore again and OMG!!! Yoga really came out again!!! :DDDDDD
He sings for like 30mins and then went off again. This time, the lights turned on and stage crew were packing up the equipment already so I went off.
Crazy fans shouting for a 3rd encore, which is like impossible la. The concert lasted for 3hours plus in total. o.O

Saturday, February 21, 2009
