Finally, Huiying is here to update.
Me and Doreen went to Dawn's house to try out our FNN practical stuffs.
Mine kinda successful but not Doreen's. This makes her feel really sad and so she starts emo-ing.
(What rubbish! !@#$%^ Don't have lor! I pose for it one. :D)

Today was the actual day for the practical.
I forgot to buy milk so I went to buy it during recess. And to my horror, the canteen don't sell plain milk, only chocolate and strawberry milk. I got no choice but to buy the chocolate milk.
End up my pancakes look like it's chaoda but it's not. I forgot to took pictures of it.
My pretzels look nice.
Doreen's cupcakes was a success! It did not chaoda but it taste too salty to some and nice to some.
Look nice right? Haha!
YAY! Me and Doreen went to collect our pay today!
This is my first pay so I was like super SUPER SUPERRR happy!
Me and Doreen were busy taking photos of it after collecting it!
My first pay!

Doreen with her cheque!(what the hell I doing sia, edit till so....*insert your own word*)
Was really happy at that point of time(can't stop smiling) until we are blamed for something that we didn't do. Argh! (screw it!)
OMG! Some of the runners run super fast! It makes me and Xingyi's hair stand. LOL.
Pauline was cute! HAHA!
After that, me and Doreen went to lunch and went home.
Such a boring day!
Word of the day: Paranoid
*slightly edited by Doreen for the missing photos*
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