Domo and Pan kun!
This little brown monster is terribly cute.
Domo, the main character, is described as "a strange creature that hatched from an egg." Domo's favorite food is Japanese-style meat and potato stew, and he has a strong dislike for apples, due to an unexplained mystery in his DNA. Domo-kun is known to pass gas repeatedly when nervous or upset.
LOL! Farting repeatedly!
Newest member of the X man, presenting, Domo-kun!

Domo Halloween.

ROAR! Where can I buy a Domo plushie!

My personal favourite.

Pan kun!
Pankun, (sometimes spelled pan-kun) is a young chimpanzee in Japan often featured on the NTV television show "Tensai! Shimura Doubutsu-en" ("天才!志村動物園", lit. "Genius! Shimura Zoo") and the TBS program "Doubutsu Kisou Tengai!" ("動物園奇想天外!", lit. "Unbelievable Animals!"). Most of the segments feature him and his bulldog friend, James, embarking on a variety of "human" tasks, like buying groceries, planting a rice paddy, or catching insects.
Here's one of the videos about Pan-kun.
He creates a parody of the horror movie, 'The Ring'. Some scenes in that movie was about a female ghost who came out of the well and crawl out from a television set.
Super funny and adorable! :D
Pankun and James.

Crunchyroll's 1 is when Pankun and James is still young.
Pankun was so short and tiny while James was slim back then.
Youtube's 1 is the 'adult' size Pankun and James.
James became out of shape. xD
Once saw a plushie version of Pankun that was displayed in Cards N Such but it cost a whooping $60+

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