I love Friday!
Wee~ Finally managed to upload the pictures!
Anyway for your information, especially Dawn, most of the content posted here is randomly found and not tap from a website so don't ask us where we found those interesting stuffs.
Been fooling around with Paint.NET for quite a while already.
Anyway this is what I did few days back.
My first attempt.
EEKS! Laser coming out of Mandy's eyes! She's a cyclops!

Second attempt.
Things that Master Doreen hate, you shall all DIE! Muahahaha! *laser come out*

Die cockroaches! DIE!

Demolish the silent rule! *I sense noise pollution increasing.*

Shoo bad weather! *TEEEEEEEE*

This is the future MRT map.
*Click to enlarge*

Simply because when Ying and I are deciding what to buy before going into Swensens, they 2 suddenly appear beside us and stared with us together at the menu.
Pauline even press her nose against the window and left her nose print there. How cute!
One of the designs for 3D's class jersey.
*Nah~ of cause not.*
Today's lessons were unexpectedly not boring.
Mr Tang seem to be in a super damn good mood and didn't keep asking us to 'Bu yao jiang hua!' during chinese. :D
Core geography went past pretty fast.
English was a free period. :D
Maths got one of those err....'fast fast quiz' or whatever you call it. Those who complete the worksheet given out fastest and correctly get a mini prize from GBL.
I'm retarded-ly slow at that as when everyone is at the second page, I'm still trying to figure out how to do the first page questions.
Typical things that a girl would do in a toilet.
Taking photos, of cause.

Wa liao! Alicia's hand cover my face! @#$%^&*

They all look like as if they got tiny eyes like mine! :D

ARGH! Not cool enough!

♪C is for Cookie, that is good enough for me.♪
♪C is for Cookie, that is good enough for me.♪
♪C is for Cookie, that is good enough for me.♪
♪Oh~ Cookie cookie cookie starts with C!♪
Anyone that found a shop that sells this bag, please contact Ying as soon as possible.
-ETL1, Doreen

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