Cool phones!
I'm getting a new phone like FINALLY!!!
Can get rid of my stupid outdated-100years-ago phone liao!!!
All I've to do now is to decides on which phone to get!
*Super excited!*
(Social Studies: Singapore should bring in more brand of phones. Do you agree? Explain with evident.)
I went research on phones and I realise that
There's like, soooooooooo many cool, chio, cute, unique phones available in other country!
Here's some pics to prove my point! (Social Studies: Must have evident!)
Look at these Japan phones! I like the pink one!

Cute leh! Look like toy phone! Also a Japan phone!

Don't you agree that they look so yummyyyy??? Another Japan phone!

This is so chio and cool!!! I WANTTT!!! JAPAN PHONE AGAIN!

They are Sony Ericsson phone!

Dior brand phone! Don't look like phone right? Dor says that it looked more like a foundation case!

Tiffany & Co brand phone! Class right?

Here's come the most unique phone I've ever seen!

OMG!!! It's a CHANEL phone!
Can you even believe that it is actually a phone???
Slide open and this is what you get!

It's like soooooooooo small and cute and unique and class!

WAH SEH! I want that Chanel phone!!!
My future Tai Tai phone!!!
(Social Studies: This tells me that Singapore's phone is super limited and thus, they must try to improve for the sake of Singaporean's happiness!!!)
Ok la! Lame leh I know! But school's reopening in like a few days' time! Scary but at the same time, I sort of looking foward to it. LOL!
Year 2008's coming to it's end. Kind of sad lehhh... I really really really enjoy this year alot alot alot!!!
I don't know why, but everytime when a year's ending, I'll feel sad... Will have a very empty feeling, and doubts about the upcoming year... I'll miss 2008...
And I super hate the feeling of missing something, someone, somewhere, somewhatever! It's like you can only think of it, cannot get it immediately...
Let's hope the best for Year 2009!!! :D
Any chio phone that is available in SG ah?
I don't know what phone to get!
Any recommendation???
-Hui Ying
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