I'm finally here to update!
WedWent to school library during recess as usual and saw this...

WAH! IDIOT LEH! The school librarian promise us not to put this photo up de leh! That's why we let her take this photo. "Pretty sisters" some more! Waliao! (Thou we don't mind being labelled as "pretty". LOL!)
Ok. Here's come the most important part of this post.
After school, Me, Dor and XH was walking to the bus stop outside cchy main gate, Doreen was happily holding her Domo, saying that the Domo hates my finger but love her hands, bla bla bla, then suddenly...

LOL!!!!! Her Domo dropped(or should I say "bounced"?) down the big big and super deep canal behind the bus stop!!! Our first reaction was to laugh damn loudly! LOL!!!!!! Then slowly it become more like "ku xiao bu te" la. Cause the Domo was like looking at us so innocently, mouth opened(his mouth's always opened... -.-) and shouting "Help me! Help me!".
We walked along the canal, trying to find a stairs or whatever way to get down to save Mr Domo but to no avail. We saw Min at the bus stop then we all start to sit there and think think think while me and Xh ate our bubble tea lunch. Suddenly, light bult "pop" beside my head. I suggested that we could use a string, tie it to something heavy, paste a tape below that something heavy and then lower the something heavy down to paste the tape to the Domo and then pull the Domo up!
Min and Xh don't think that it will work but that idea gave Dor some hope to get the Domo back.
We went for lunch(Dor and Min's lunch) after that. Then we went Dor's house to prepare for our rescue Domo mission. Then Xh suggested that the something heavy shall be a water bottle filled with water.
Our tools.

On our way to rescue Domo. (Waliao eh Dor! You look slim here leh!)

First try: Failed.
Second try...

We were laughing and screaming like some mad kids at that point of time. And there was some kpo onlooker looking at us.
Dirty Domo!

No one dares to touch that Domo so we paste it to the string.

Proud rescue Domo crew with the Domo! (Xh look damn cute here! Waliao! I'm damn jealous la!)


HAHA! The whole of Domo's wet except for the below part. LOL!

Dor and Min holding the Domo.

YO! I'm the proud idea-contributor! :D

This pic look damn nice leh! Cover away the hdb flats, we look like as if we're at some resort.

Min, Dor and Xh.

Min And Xh.

(There's suppose to be a pic of me and Dor here but I accidentally uploaded the wrong pic and being lazy as usual, I didn't want to re-upload it.)
Giant Domo jumping off the building!

We attempted to take an action photo of Domo but ended up......

Quite cool right? Nothing wrong with it right??? But the cloud below Domo spoiled the whole pic. Why? It look as if Domo's farting! LOL!
Domo stepping on a stone!

Playing with Domo.

Poor Domo dropped on the grass...

Domo's flying!!!

Our shadow!

Played in Yishun Park.

Reminds me of Physics.

LOLOLOLOLOL!!! xD (Xh: They look like they sitting on dentist chair leh!!!)

I like this pic. They self-proclaim that they got "ai mei guan xi". -.-

Swing swing and swing. Bored of their photos already.

Xh and me! We tried to "ai mei guan xi" too! (Eh! So obvious that I'm so much shorter and FATTER than her la! :( Waliao!)

Xh, me and Domo!

Dor look slim here again! But her legs betrayed her. LOL!

Min damn idiot leh! She said that her legs is as slim as the stem of this tree.

Happy Min with Domo! Please ignore Xh in this pic. LOL! xD

Dor, Xh and Min.

Their "ai mei guan xi" again.

Ke lian de Domo dropped on the sand!

Crying Domo.

Xh, Min and Dor.

They tried to act like the scene in Twilight where Edward and Bella were at some forest forest area.

Xh and me joined in too! (You didn't see my disgusting facial expression, you didn't see my disgusting facial expression, you didn't see my disgusting facial expression...)

Me and Min "kissing". She's my lesbian partner! 8) (We look so stiff here. Like habbo people leh!)

We continued kissing...
Haha! So passionate!

How can we do such things right? LOL! We're the betrayer! xD
Reached Dor's house and we rewarded ourselves with drinks.
Min, Xh and me got freeeeee keropok from Dor's mum! Thanks! (LOL! By the time I reach home, more than half of the keropok's gone!)
Saw this on Howie's table. Erm... Who's Fiona ah??? xD

Silly Xiao Mei wrote "High L1R5 for olvl". LOL! xD She came back to change it but too bad! I took pic of it already! ;p

Sun, Chu xi
Renion dinner with family.
Aren't they cute? Would you bear to eat them?

Big plate of goodies!
Bao yu!!!
PRAWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (My fave!)
Whole table of food!
Ouch! Ouch!
Actually there's 6 people(my whole family) in this pic.
My stupid sis go "pok" cute cute's eyes! :(
My yummy prawn! So much bigger in real life la! And there's many more prawn inside my bowl waiting for me to eat them!
I must prepare to gain 5kg over the cny le! :(
Ang bao here I come! xD
-Hui Ying